Tuesday, 1 October 2013

I Am From Country Towns ...

I am from country towns, from main streets lined with shops and restaurants, from neighbours who chat over fences, share a cup of tea and the odd cup of rice.

I am from riding bicycles down dirt roads, from carrying butterfly nets and glass bottles to keep our collections in, a sandwich and drink in the basket on the handlebars.

I am from family drives out to the river on hot summer afternoons, from plunging into the crystal clear, cold depths, from feeling rounded pebbles under my feet, from smelling wet bark of river trees and freshness of river moss.

I am from visiting farms, chasing sheep around paddocks, bouncing over hills in land-rovers, hunting kittens in barns, milking cows in the dairy, and eating huge homemade scones with lashings of jam and cream.

I am from walking to school in all seasons, loving the crunch of frost underfoot, and the crunch of green mountain apple in my mouth. I am from the chance to see that handsome boy turning to look from the school bus as it rumbles by.

I am from the city, from the happy cul-de-sac where children play hopscotch in the street, rounders in the front yards and watch ‘Rin Tin Tin’ and ‘Superman’ on each other’s televisions.

I am from Christ-is-the-centre-of-our-home, from church every Sunday, from Sunday School anniversaries wearing new outfits made by Grandma, from Church picnics and camps.

I am from ‘integrity is everything’, from ‘always speak the truth’, from ‘be faithful in all things’ and from ‘family comes first’.

I am from Family Christmas lunches with coins in the Christmas pudding, once-a-year roast chicken and laughs a-plenty. I am from school days of challenges, canes and rote learning, and from fresh lunches bought at the tuck-shop on our birthdays.

I am from freedom and fun at Teachers’ College. 

I am from the Jesus Movement, from coffee shop outreaches, guitars and Bibles in the parks and on campus, Keith Green music and unstoppable passion to see the world saved for Jesus.

I am from coastal towns, from sandy beaches and surf, tropical islands and yachts and aquamarine waters. 

I am from barbeques, from songs around campfires, from ‘she’ll be right mate’, 'stone the crows!', 'sheilas and blokes', freedom and opportunity. I am from the Land Downunder.

I am from passion for family history.

I am from two grandfathers who fought in world wars, and from two parents who never fought.
I am from loved, and valued, and respected.

I am from 38 years marriage, with one amazing husband, two fabulous children and five perfect grandchildren.

I am from teaching in classrooms, and from pastoring in churches.

I am from making mistakes and from gaining wisdom, from messing up and from finding grace. 

I am from devastation. I am from restoration.

I am from never-give-up, from life-is-a-journey, from loved-filled-destiny.

I am from depositing into future generations.

I am from my Father’s heart.

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